SIT’ABIT stool


This seriously playful and ecological stool, entirely made of birch plywood, is mounted without using glue or any mechanical fixings.
Its design aimed for smooth safe contours and boosts the child within each and one of us.

SKU: #002 Category:

Made from 21mm thick birch plywood and finished manually or 19mm Valchromat® thick coloured allthrough (not lacquered) and finished manually.
SIT’ABIT flat-packed, easy-to-assemble stool is not only an eye catcher, but also playful in spirit and environmentally friendly.
Its pleasing curved lines and simple yet ingenious conception make it a didactic and versatile piece to have around and to sit a bit!
It features a handle on one of its legs and is very practical to take or to store away with its reusable packaging when not needed or for travel.